For our second task of ICP we had to in our group put on a
performance which related to an article from The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights. To begin this task our group read the declaration then met up to
discuss what we felt stood out to us personally, some people had stronger
opinions on some of the articles more than others, but very quickly we came to
our conclusion of which article we would focus on. - “All human beings are born
free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and
conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” - We brainstormed through quotes and letters and
videos on youtube that all related to the topic and gathered together ideas
which would incorporate our specialisms. We made sure that we met up every Monday
so that we could discuss progress on what we have found and any new ideas. So far
I felt like I hadn’t contributed much, I had yet to have my light bulb moment
where I knew what we could do in terms of staging. So one lunch we snuck into
the venue in which we would be performing and had a look at the space, and my light
bulb moment came! I wanted to have three large roles of paper which would be
hung on a scaffolding bar, I ran around the venue space explaining this idea to
my group and it went down so well with everyone and I finally got excited about
this project, I researched the cost and compared prices on different sites so
all I needed to know what whether or not we could get a scaffolding bar! The
final week of ICP and our performance week came up rather quickly and it was on
that Monday that I found out that we could not get a scaffolding bar, the
technical equipment that we had been given was it, and no budget so the roles
of paper would be out of our own pocket. I must say I was rather disappointed
at this as I felt very disadvantaged within my specialism, but looking back, I think
it was a very good learning curve as it left me to think of something else, and
put me in an environment where I was very creatively limited. I came up with a
similar idea to the concept of the roles of paper which would allow me to
collaborate with the DFTV student within our group, this idea just used a piece
of paper with writing scrawled across
which could be filmed appearing, or disappearing. I thought that this might end
up a bit boring so I went to research some images on Google along with one of
the music student within our group and found an image which was of a paper
building, then I thought that instead of a piece of paper with writing on it we
could make a paper city which would be in a circle, representing the world, and
then we could graffiti over it with words that connected to our article. We explained
this idea to the group and continued to start on making it straight away. I brought
some people down to Speirs Lock Studios to gather materials and make a start. I
spent two days making the city and then set it up ready for filming, then
myself and a few others from the group wrote down words that we think should be
written over the city and then we filmed these words getting written across the
city. Our day came where we could rehearse in the space but unfortunately would
didn’t get proper use of the technical equipment as it had broken, but we did a
run through of the dance, and our speeches, and our musical piece which all
went really well, and we rescheduled our tech rehearsal for the hour before our
performance to begin. The day of our performance came and I have to say I think
it was this day that our group finally came together and our group dynamic came
out, especially after our first performance. Our feedback that we got from the
rest of our year who came to see our performances were really good and we knew
we had done our job well when everyone understood what we were trying to convey
and also when it started a debate within the audience… slightly awkward… not
going to lie! Getting to see the other groups performances were also really
interesting! Because every group had chosen their own article to base their
presentation on we had a very varied performances and I learnt a lot about the
world from going to all of them, which I feel was a very good experience to be
part of as it opened me up to knew things! I think the two days of performances
as a whole was incredible! Drifting from one show to another and seeing how
completely different everything is was just amazing to do and so much fun!
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