Our first set task for ICP (Introduction to the Collaborative Practise) was to do a presentation based on a given person from the theatre industry, my group, group 21, were given Adiran Howells who is a performer who likes to do one-to-one work with his audience, his artistic policy is 'to create work that promotes intimacy and genuine exchange with an audience often in a one-to-one, autobiographical of confessional context, in a range of non-traditional performance spaces'. Personally I found that Howells is a very interesting person to look at in terms of the work he does which made me very excited to find out more about him. As a group we split into smaller groups and researched different parts and would later come together again to discuss which points we wanted to focus on and look closer into. Upon realising that he lived in Glasgow we emailed him and asked him if we could interview him to which he said yes. Throughout our discussions we came up with the idea of making a video asking personal questions to people around the Conservatoire. We would also ask Adrian Howells the same questions. We also wanted to incorporate somthing onstage which would resemble different things from a number of his plays that all had some significance to his connecting with his audience, it is in that part which I took control in, so we has a simple set of a chair witha blanket, cushions, some tea and biscuits and some photographs. Originally we had idea of gather together more items but due to lack of money and time we found that we couldn't.
For out interview with Adrian Howells, we had three of us interviewing him, so myself, one of the actors, and one musical theatre student who also filmed the interview. We had set out question's with out group beforehand so that we knew what we wanted to ask and made sure that what we got back would help us towards what we wanted to be in our final presentation. So I had put in questions which referred to his use of staging, set and props. I did find it frustrating when we went onto questions about backtage that the filming of the interview stopped because "that bits not important" which I found very unappreciative towards the area of work in which I specialise in, but I didn't want that to afffect my work in the group so I carried on and pulled together the small set that could be used on the stage to symbolise his work. We used his use of interaction with the audience in our presentation too. Obvioucly we couldn't do it one-to-one exactly how he would do it but we went into our audience and started talking to people about their day, huging them, and offering them biscuits, which when down rather well with the audience, expecially the biscuits.
During this first section we had two of our Monday's to look at everyone's presentations and I think this was a very interesting way to see how everyone else in the other group's took on this task! It was also a good point where we could look at the other topics that were given out and get a chance to look further into what type of theatre and practitioners there are out there.
I think from this first section of ICP I have become more appreciative of the work that goes on in the other courses and also found that I have become more interested at looking at different types of theatre and really try and broaden my horisons. Adrian Howells work is not at all like what I would go and see of even look into but I found myself truly fascinated, and although I probably still wouldn't go and be an audience memeber to that type of work it is still really interesting to look into.
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